Thursday, August 13, 2009


Cait has little treasures that she likes to carry with her. Lately she has been storing them in a play stroller that we have been testing (more on that later).

She pushes this little stroller all over our place, smashing into walls and getting stuck in corners. She doesn't seem to mind, it is full of her treasures.

Tonight when I went to tidy it up I found the following items:
  • her doll, Tidoo
  • a plate and spoon from the play Cafe
  • a wooden block
  • a stuffed cupcake from her picnic basket purse
  • a pair of J's socks (can't figure that one out, but there is usually a pair tucked away somewhere)
These are the things that she holds near and dear. These are her lovies. If there had been an empty Tim Horton's cup lying around that would have been in the stroller too. She has loved those brown coffee cups since she was born.

She doesn't have a blanket or a stuffie that she has bonded with. Just this odd little random collections of things that, when all together, seem to have great meaning to her.

She cracks me up!

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